
Media Shield allows you to schedule content in advance across networks (Meta (Facebook), Google My Business Profile, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and 'TikTok') from your Media Shield Customer (and Staff) Relationship Management (CRM) and gain visibility. This provides your business a unique feature that will help you get more out of your social media strategy with less effort.

Think about it! When you have been around for a while and position yourself as an expert in the case of social media, you have the opportunity to leverage your position and offer certain discounts to potential customers and potentially close on a few leads.

Media Shield helps you when planning, designing, scheduling and analyzing your publications in the different channels in which you communicate with your audience. Not only you will save time, but you will also do it with great quality and efficiency. In this way, your social media plan and the strategy that you have designed to achieve your final objectives will surely be closer to being achieved.

What are you waiting for? Start scheduling your posts ahead of time and add value to your social media strategy with Media Shield. Let us tell you a little secret, 🗣️ soon we will be rolling out additional social media streams in our CRM.

Comment below and let us know what social planner you currently use.

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Social Media


Manage Your Social Accounts From One Place 😱

Media Shield allows you to schedule content in advance across networks (Meta (Facebook), Google My Business Profile, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram and ‘TikTok’) from your Media Shield Customer (and Staff) Relationship


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