
It is difficult to guess everything that is going to succeed in marketing in 2023. However, we do know what is succeeding at the end of 2022 and which strategies are here to stay. This means that you know what will have a meaningful impact on your marketing strategy in 2023.

Let’s look at a few strategies that are here to stay….

  • Influencer marketing. If your brand is on social networks, it is essential that you work with influencers to improve the reach and impact of your publications.
  • Video Marketing. Video content came to stay a few years ago. We are so used to seeing impressive content that retains our attention in the first 4-5 seconds that it is essential to use video marketing to achieve it.
  • Content Marketing. At Media Shield, we are faithful to content marketing because this is how you increase trust with your clients! Working on a good inbound marketing strategy is going to be key to attracting new clients interested in your services or products.
  • AI Role in Advertising. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is here to stay. AI is very important in digital advertising campaigns because it allows you to better segment your ads and your audiences to find the key content for them.
  • Future without Cookies in Marketing. We learned to live without cookies. The policies regarding data protection are becoming more prohibitive, and at the same time, people are becoming more aware of the importance of protecting their digital footprint.

Now let’s look at some recommendations for deploying your 2023 marketing strategy.

  • Do not stop learning and keeping up with the latest trends. Something low-cost and priceless is subscribing to Marketing newsletters and learning from the professionals in the field.
  • Review your business performance. Review which has been the best actions of your business in 2022, those that have achieved the most impact and have exceeded your goals the most.
  • Make a PACE plan. Almost three years ago, COVID made us completely change our marketing (and life) strategy, anticipate the future without cookies and artificial intelligence and find out and create your tailored plan according to each situation. PACE stands for Primary, Alternate, Contingency, and Emergency.
  • Trial and failure. In marketing, the best advice that can be given is that you try and check what works. Many times you will discover great benefits in some very simple actions, and yet, in strategies to which you have dedicated a lot of time, you will see that they do not achieve your proposed results.
  • Don't get bogged down. Creativity and innovation are key to continue setting trends and not being outdated compared to the competition.

How do you think the new marketing trends will impact your business in 2023? Is there any novelty or trend that we didn’t mention, and do you think it will be key in the coming year?

Leave a comment below, and do not hesitate to write us if you want us to help you prepare your 2023 marketing strategy.

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