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Media Shield Enhances Gusto Napoletano's Dining Experience

Nadia Minniti

Gusto Napoletano Italian Restaurant and Pizzeria

About Gusto Napoletano

Pre-Media Shield


Post-Media Shield


Media Shield Elevates Gusto Napoletano's Dining Experience Beyond the Plate

Gusto Napoletano, a beloved Italian restaurant and pizzeria located in the heart of Fayetteville, NC, is renowned for its authentic Neapolitan flavors. Committed to delivering an exceptional dining experience, the establishment recognized the need to leverage digital solutions to complement its culinary excellence. Their quest for a perfect solution led them to Media Shield.

Gusto Napoletano aimed to simplify the sharing of their carefully crafted menu and establish a stronger connection with their patrons. Traditional menu handling raised hygiene concerns, and there was a lack of a structured system to collect and respond to customer reviews. Additionally, they wanted to actively engage their clientele by keeping them informed about specials, events, and changes.

From Tableside QR Codes to Personalized Text Messages: Gusto Napoletano's Modern Dining Experience with Media Shield

Media Shield’s innovative solutions transformed Gusto Napoletano’s dining experience, seamlessly blending tradition with modern technology. Patrons could easily scan QR codes on their tables to access the menu, ensuring a touch-free and hygienic experience. Furthermore, the restaurant could promptly gather valuable feedback through automated review requests after dining, demonstrating their commitment to continuous improvement.

Moreover, an interactive chat widget on the restaurant’s website enabled real-time inquiries and reservations, enhancing customer engagement. Gusto Napoletano didn’t limit their efforts to the dining experience; they also nurtured lasting connections with their patrons. By utilizing Media Shield’s SMS marketing and workflows, they sent personalized messages about promotions and events, ensuring that their customers remained part of their vibrant culinary journey even outside the restaurant.

Gusto Napoletano's Customer-Centric Evolution with Media Shield
  • Elevated Customer Experience: Accessible menus and a responsive chat widget made the dining journey more enjoyable and interactive.
  • Increased Engagement: SMS marketing drove higher customer engagement, attracting more patrons during promotional events.
  • Constructive Feedback Loop: The Smart Review Request led to a 40% increase in customer reviews, fostering a cycle of continuous improvement.
  • Operational Efficiency: Workflow automations facilitated seamless communication, saving significant administrative hours each week.

Gusto Napoletano’s collaboration with Media Shield established a new standard for how traditional dining establishments can seamlessly integrate digital solutions to enhance the customer experience. Today, the restaurant stands as an example of how the perfect blend of authentic cuisine and digital innovation can create an unparalleled dining journey.

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Key Result:
0 %
Increase in positive customer reviews
0 x
Faster in promoting special offers
0 %
Customer engagement via Chat widget
Media Shield Plan: Pro
Support Response Time:
Less than 1 day

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